

These 8 Method will help to prevent you from working with fraudulent suppliers and from paying for nonconforming.
product when importing from Asia.

Method#1: Start Off with a Factory Audit

Quality Control is crucial even before you sign a supplier contract. You don’t want to make payment to a factory only to find its facilities can’t meet your production needs—or that it doesn’t even exist. With so many suppliers available online, on websites such as Alibaba.com, it’s hard to tell which ones are legitimate, which ones are overpromising, and which ones are potential reliable partners. It’s therefore critical to conduct your due diligence. Sending a third-party QC representative to assess factory conditions before youcommit, greatly reduces this risk of being scammed.
A factory audit is an in-depth pre-production assessment, not only of your factory’s ability to satisfy ISO 9001 standards for quality management systems, but also of factory and personnel records, conditions of manufacturing equipment and facilities. This ensures you know: (1) your factory exists (2) it has a record of completing orders and (3) has the proper equipment and processes in place to complete your production to your specifications.
One of the most frequent issues a factory audit will spot are related to sub-contracting. Quite often factories will take your order, but actually sub-contract it to another factory, and never tell you. You’re in danger if your order takes too much of the factory’s capacity, since they may not hesitate to stop your production should a more profitable client come. A factory audit costs $399 USD with SQI; a wise investment before releasing a down payment to potential suppliers.

Method #2: Establish procedures for the prevention of defects

Before the decision to formally Production, import Quality management core tools in manufacturing factory, include: APQP (Advanced Product Quality Planning) and CP (control plan), MSA (Measurement System Analysis), PFMEA (Process Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) and PPAP (Production part approval Process), the SPC (Statistical Process control).
APQP is a structured approach to identify and formulate the steps necessary to ensure that a product to make customer satisfaction. The goal of product quality planning is to facilitate contact with each and every one involved, to ensure that the required steps are completed on time.
MSA is to use the method of mathematical statistics and charts the resolution of the measurement system and error analysis, to evaluate the resolution and the error of the measurement system for the measured parameters are appropriate, and to determine the main components of the measurement system error. This tool can be used to solve the problem of such as after full inspection and bad product.
PFMEA is possible problem in the production process is analyzed, if serious to have a correct method. One of the most important tool is to prevent defects.
SPC is the use of statistical methods to monitor the state of the production process, determine the production process is under control, in order to reduce product quality variation.
Rules for PPAP, including production and bulk material, the general requirements of production parts approval. The purpose of the PPAP is used to determine whether the supplier has the correct understanding of the customer engineering design records and standard all requirements, and determine whether the production process has the ability in accordance with the provisions of the beat produce product to meet customer requirements.

Method #3: The whole process of quality control

Regardless of the demands of your production schedule, regular visits to the factory by a QC professional are critical. Schedule an inspection at the beginning of production. If you only schedule an  inspection prior to shipment it may mean flaws are caught too late. It will also send the message to your supplier, right from the start, that you’re serious.
A good rule to follow, after your factory audit and when production is less than 20% complete, schedule an initial production check to ensure the production was launched properly (materials used for production, machines calibration, etc). Following this, when your production is at least 20% complete, schedule a during production check to reinforce your specifications and catch any potential problems
before you’re too far into production. In the last stage of production, when all products are finished and at least 80% packed, perform a pre-shipment inspection to have a random control over the whole production lot. Finally, a container loading check ensures the right quantity is loaded for shipping and the goods will travel safely to your final destination. For challenging or sensitive orders, have an inspector monitor your production and report daily to identify and fix problems in real-time.

Method #4: Know Your AQL (Acceptable Quality Limit)

It’s your responsibility to define, “how many defects are too many?” and to what accuracy this is ensured. This is done by selecting the AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) and sampling size that is right for you and fits to your production specifications and volume. International sampling standards (ISO 2859, ANSI/ASQC Z1.4, BS 6001, DIN 40080) define how the inspector should perform the sampling from your production. The total quantity determines how many pieces should be selected and how many defects are allowed for an inspection to pass. Differences are made between minor (aesthetical), major (functional) and critical (safety) defects.
Understanding how sampling and the AQL works is critical for you to be able to properly set the right level of tolerance that you want for your inspections. The default sampling level would be ‘Level II’ and AQL would be 0.065 for critical defects, 2.5 for major and 4.0 for minor defects.
As an example, for a hypothetical inspection of a production with 4,000 units, with an AQL of II, the first table indicates a general inspection level of “L”. Referring to the second table row L, for a sample size of 200 with an AQL of 2.5, no more than 10 units may fail for a passed inspection report.

Method #5: Crystal Clear Design Specifications in Writing

Never leave any design decisions up to the factory or allow room for interpretation. Be as specific as possible and never expect the factory to be able to know what you were thinking.

Make sure to list every detail of your product out, for example: provide the bar code as an image so that it can be copied by the factory, provide text as a text format that can be copy and pasted not allowing for typos, state exact color codes (Pantone being a widely recognized reference standard) and product
measurements and acceptable measurement deviations (+/-5% is common practice – but it depends on your product type). By delivering detailed design specifications to the factory, and in the hands of a professional QC specialist, you help to ensure that your design specifications will be clearly understood, followed and finally checked.

Method #6: Use Reference Samples

Don’t waste your time with a generic reference sample from a potential supplier. Before you start your actual production run, request at least three reference samples of your actual product. Once you confirm the reference samples, sign all three so it’s clear it is one of the approved reference samples. Keep one for yourself, send one to the factory to be used by them as an exact guide during manufacturing and the last one should be sealed and also sent to the factory that will later be opened by your inspector during your quality inspection to compare to the final manufactured goods.

Giving your inspector an approved sample ensures a tangible reference when assessing the quality and accuracy of your entire production. This is much easier and allows for common sense to be applied versus just reading specifications on paper. As well, it’s encouraged that during the inspection you ask the inspector to collect randomly a few production samples and send them to you for an additional look at the production’s actual quality, on top of the inspection report.

Method #7: Don't let the factory decided to test sample

 In almost every developed country, including the United States, Europe and Australia, the importer is considered the manufacturer and bears all criminal and civil liability for the product they sell. Simply put, once you import a product, it’s the same as if you made it yourself.
Globally, thousands of products are recalled every year putting consumers at risk for their safety, and you at risk of losing your investment and tarnishing your brand and image.
When performing a lab test, do not let the factory decide which sample to test, or you may end up with perfect testing reports that are not consistent with the actual production lot.
Have your inspector select random samples from your actual production lot during an inspection, and have them sent to the lab. This way you know the actual product you will be importing does not contain dangerous chemicals and will meet all import regulations.

Method #8: Secure Payment to a Supplier with QC

When agreeing to payment terms in your contract, consider this question,“What if I received my product after having already paid for it and it couldn’t be sold”. This powerless situation is easily avoidable by scheduling payment to coincide with approval of your final inspection. This is done by issuing a letter of credit to the factory, with payment tied to an inspection certificate. A letter of credit is a promise to pay.
Banks issue letters of credit as a way to ensure sellers that they will get paid as long as they do what they’ve agreed to do. For you, this means your bank will only release payment after an approved inspection by a third-party quality control provider.
To get a letter of credit, ask your bank. Your bank will issue the letter of credit stating they (the bank) promise to pay the supplier once all agreed documents (including the inspection certificate) have been issued. Your bank will not release those funds before. This protects both you and the suppler; the supplier is guaranteed payment and you conforming quality product.